
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


'There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.' So said the great philosopher Aldous Huxley

This has been a year of PERSONAL GROWTH and SELF-DISCOVERY for me… I made a conscious decision at the beginning of the year to make some POSITIVE CHANGES in my life. I COMMITTED MYSELF to reading MOTIVATIONAL and INSPIRATIONAL books, hiring LIFE COACH (David Essel) and to working on bettering myself in some way, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I must say it has been an AMAZING JOURNEY so far and along the way I have OVERCOME MANY FEARS and NEGATIVE BELIEFS that have held me back from reaching my goals. In addition I now have many, many EXCITING NEW GOALS to reach. I started to think back to all the goals I already ACCOMPLISHED in my life, all of my ACCOMPLISHMENTS and SUCCESSES and, more specifically, to how did I reach them. What was it I did in each instance TO BE SUCCESSFUL, TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING that at the time seemed INSURMOUNTABLE? This is the formula that I came up with. In every instance when I have SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHED something in my life I HAVE FOLLOWED these 7 steps that I now call Sue Fits Success Formula.


1. DECIDE exactly what you want.
2. DETERMINE WHY do you want this.
3. WRITE IT DOWN and look at it every day, keep it top in your thoughts all the time. YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.
4. DESIGN A PLAN… find a role model, some one who has already accomplished your goal and find out how did they do this. Figure out where you are today in relation to where you want to be and map out a step by step plan to get to your desired goal. See what changes you need to commit to in your life to have, do or be what you want. Each step of the way becomes a smaller goal.
5. SEE IT. BELIEVE IT. See yourself as already having accomplished the goal, how would that feel, what would that look like. Cut out pictures of what you want and look at them every day. Believe that you can do it.
6. TAKE ACTION every day. Follow your plan and take a step each day towards reaching your goal.
7. COMMIT. Commit yourself to making it happen For 30 days commit yourself to taking action every day on your plan no matter what. You may feel like this is too hard and giving up but for 30 days stay committed. For 30 days. Don’t allow yourself to quit on yourself and your desired goal. Tell yourself “I am” and “I can” declarations…. I am worthy of achieving my goal…. I am strong. I can do this… I can stay with this for 30 days If you make through the first 30 days taking action on your goal every day then it will become habit and your results will spur you on to even greater results. Of course 30 days will probably not be enough to reach your ultimate desired goal but you can determine how far you want to be in 30 days. For example, if your goal is to run 5 miles but you never ran before then for 30 days your goal might be to walk on the treadmill 5 days a week for 30 minutes and then the next month to jog for 30 minutes, etc, so that you will continuously be moving toward accomplishing your final goal of running 5 miles.

I hope this HELPS YOU to reach some of YOUR GOALS. I am putting it BACK IN ACTION to HELP ME reach my NEW GOALS.

Remember NEVER GIVE UP.. no matter what ON YOUR DREAMS. Realize that there may be times you might feel discouraged, you might feel overwhelmed, you might feel like quitting, but NEVER GIVE UP. KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE by keeping it in YOUR THOUGHTS at all times I truly BELIEVE that YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. Think thoughts of SUCCESS then TAKE ACTION on them. If you PERSIST… YOU WILL SUCCEED. Be PATIENT, be PERSISTANT, be COMMITTED to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES. IT IS POSSIBLE. SEE IT, BELIEVE IT… ACHIEVE IT. YOU ARE WORTH IT.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I LOVE this video clip because it always reminds me that I can MAKE EXCUSES or I can MAKE A COMMITMENT to make a difference in my life and the lives of others. Working on reaching goals and MAKING POSITIVE CHANGES in my life is not always easy. So many times I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP, being lazy, not doing the things that I know WILL ultimately CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. Sometimes it feels like all the work I do on a day-to-day basis doesn’t really do anything since I don’t always SEE THE IMMEDIATE RESULTS OF MY EFFORTS, the fruits of my labor.

As a personal trainer/group fitness instructor I know that SMALL STEPS CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE toward a client reaching their fitness goals. You cannot expect to go to the gym and workout for an hour and at the end of that hour SEE IMMEDIATE CHANGES IN YOUR BODY. But that doesn’t mean that the workout is not working. It’s just that the changes are NOT YET VISABLE. Even though you don’t see the changes day by day. IF YOU CONTINUE working out for an hour a day then at the end of 30 days YOU WILL SEE THE CHANGES that your daily action created in your body.

DAILY POSITIVE ACTION toward any goals in life – EACH STEP no matter how small – WILL make a difference and take you CLOSER TO YOUR GOALS.

DON’T QUIT…. Don’t give up…. STAY COMMITTED to taking daily action and even if you do not see results right away HAVE FAITH AND KNOW that EVERY POSITIVE ACTION you take WILL TAKE YOU CLOSER to YOUR GOAL.



Monday, August 9, 2010


My husband and I usually FLY AWAY for a long weekend every three months or so. We LOVE
THE BEACH and enjoy spending time in West Palm Beach, Hilton Head, South Beach, Ft.
Lauderdale. Unfortunately this year we haven’t had the time or finances to fly away and
ENJOY THE OCEAN. But this past weekend we decided that since we were unable to get
away for 3 or 4 days but really, really missed the ocean, WHY NOT HAVE A “QUICKIE”. So,
after working all day Saturday, we got in the car and drove 30 minutes away to Long Beach,
booked an OCEANFRONT HOTEL for the night and then ENJOYED AN AMAZING DINNER by
the ocean, A WALK ALONG THE WATER before bed, and when we woke up the next morning,
we were just steps to the beach. We ENJOYED AN INCREDIBLE DAY alternating between
WARMTH and energy. Within 24 hours from our leaving our apartment we were back home
again, RENEWED, REFRESHED and exhausted but still ENERGIZED FROM OUR “QUICKIE”
vacation. No, it wasn’t 4 days in Florida or South Carolina but it was SO MUCH FUN and
really ALL WE NEEDED to feel like we had some time away.

This also applies to exercise. Sometimes you are not going to have THE TIME to go to THE
GYM.... but if you DO SOMETHING for 15 or 20 minutes, it can make you FEEL RENEWED,
REFRESHED AND ENERGIZED as well. Jumping jacks, pushups, situps, squats, lunges, jump
rope... are just a few of the things you can do at home that will GET THE BLOOD FLOWING

Don’t let excuse of not enough time or money stop you from ENJOYING what you want to do.
Think outside of the box and FIND A WAY to do what you want ... HAVE A “QUICKIE” .. It
might just be ALL YOU NEED to make you FEEL GOOD AGAIN!!!!!



Tuesday, August 3, 2010


“If you want to change your life, begin by changing your words. Start speaking the words of your dreams, of who you want to become, not the words of fear and failure.” -- Robert Kiyosaki

“Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, in turn control the way we feel and act.” John Lembo

I AM starting to realize that the MOST IMPORTANT conversation I have on any subject is the one that I have with MYSELF. It is the things I TELL myself about situations or people in my life that cause me JOY or PAIN. It is usually NOT actually the situation or person themselves.

I realize most arguments I have with my husband or others are NOT because of what THEY SAID OR DID but more because of what I SAY TO MYSELF ABOUT what they said or did. It is my self-talk, MY BELIEFS ABOUT WHAT THEY SAID OR DID that cause me emotional pain. Most of the time it is the way I INTERPRET what was said or done, and not what they actually said or did that causes me to OVER-REACT and take OFFENSE.

Lately, when I over-react I am LEARNING TO QUESTION MY OWN THOUGHTS, and learning to DISPUTE MY BELIEFS, to question if they really are BASED ON FACT or just my FEARS AND RESISTANCE to something I don’t want to hear or do. I am beginning to realize that JUST BECAUSE I BELIEVE something doesn’t make it true, that most of the time my beliefs are just BAD HABITS OF THOUGHT or fears and are actually FACTUALLY INCORRECT.

This is also true when I find myself MAKING EXCUSES as to why I CANNOT do something. I am learning to examine these beliefs and finding out that MOST OF THE TIME they are just excuses and sometimes when I actually DO what I think I CANNOT do it is the best way to CHANGE MY BELIEF ABOUT MYSELF AND MY ABILITIES.

KNOWING this helps me RECOGNIZE it in action in my clients and others as well. Yesterday morning my husband told me that he was planning to go to the gym at night and really push hard, do an intense cardio workout, etc. When he came home at night and I asked him how was his workout, he hesitated and then started GIVING EXCUSES, talking about WHY he didn’t do what he had INTENDED TO DO.

WHAT HAPPENED between the morning intention and the evening workout? He had a CONVERSATION WITH HIMSELF that changed his mind. He told himself he DIDN’T HAVE TIME to do his cardio, he didn’t want to get injured by doing too much, etc. HIS MIND STOPPED HIM from doing what he INTENDED TO DO.

Examine the QUALITY OF THE CONVERSATION you have with yourself. What thoughts do you think? What do you TELL YOURSELF ABOUT YOURSELF? About your ABILITIES? About what OTHERS SAY to you? When someone says or does something that makes you overreact, EXAMINE what thoughts are you TELLING YOURSELF about the situation and how are you INTERPRETING what was said or done. Look for ways to DISPUTE YOUR BELIEFS about what is making you sad or angry. LOOK FOR EVIDENCE to see how your belief MAY NOT BE TRUE and how you can LOOK AT THIS DIFFERENTLY and how you can THINK ABOUT THIS DIFFERENTLY. It might just change the QUALITY of your life as I know it IS CHANGING the QUALITY of mine.