
Sunday, December 5, 2010


"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again." ~Abraham Maslow~

"We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are."~Max DePree~

I know as a fitness professional that if a client is going to make changes in their body it will require them to push past what is comfortable, past their comfort zone.

If you want to have more cardiovascular endurance you will need to run a little faster, or a little farther, or a little longer than your body currently feels comfortable doing. If you want more strength and muscle tone, you will have to lift weights that are a little heavier than you are used to, if you want more flexibility you will need to stretch your muscles in ways that may at first feel uncomfortable. Eventually the body reacts to the extra stress you put on it by getting stronger and then what used to feel uncomfortable becomes easy to do.

I am learning that the same is true in all areas of life. If you want to see changes in any area of your life you must occasionally throw yourself into the fire and go past what is comfortable for you.

Sometimes we can become so stuck in a comfort zone that we don’t allow ourselves to make the progress we say we want in our lives. But any goal that you have for yourself that you want to reach will require you to do something that you may not be comfortable doing.

Just like it helps to have a workout partner or hire a trainer to help you physically push your body past what is comfortable in order for you to see the changes you desire, it can help to have a friend or a coach to help you push yourself mentally to take the steps necessary to reach your goals and dreams.

Earlier this year I hired life coach David Essel because I had gotten stuck in my own comfort zones and needed a push to help me get unstuck.

Look at the areas of your life where you would like to make changes and make a list of potential actions you could take to start progressing toward the change you would like to see. If any of the items on the list scare you, then you know that this is one area where you need to move out of your comfort zone. Commit yourself to taking that first small step, either alone or with the help of a friend, trainer, or coach. And you will find that the more you make a habit out of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, the easier it becomes and the more confidence and joy you feel in your life. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-tzu

Take that first step!! You can do it!! And you will be so happy you did!!