
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The most important muscle of the body – YOUR HEART!!

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”

“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever.”

When I was growing up my family spent a week or two every year in Albany visiting my mom’s family, my grandma and grandpa, my aunts and uncles, my cousins. I LOVED my time in the “country” playing with my cousins and getting into all sorts of adventures that a child can get into.

I went back to Albany this weekend for a family reunion. It’s been 5 years since the last time I had gone up and probably 10, 15 and 20 years since the last time I saw some of my relatives.

Well…. Let me tell you… Seeing all my aunts and uncles and cousins brought back all the memories of love shared so many summers ago and I felt so much LOVE and JOY seeing them again. Time and distance CANNOT DIMINISH THE LOVE that is etched in the HEART from all the love they gave me in my childhood summers!!!!

The next morning I spent time with my little niece and nephew playing in the pool, giving them all my love, so that this moment of love will be etched into their hearts and fill them with joy many times over as they look back years from now and remember our times together.

Exercise your most important muscle today…. YOUR HEARTt!!! Let your love CREATE MEMORIES for the ones you love in your life…. Your nieces, nephews, children, friends, family…. The love you give today will come back to you again and again as the years go by.


Sue Fit

Monday, July 19, 2010


“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
Arnold Bennett

Ahhh.... the JOY of making changes.. LOL In the beginning of the year, I decided it was time to take my career to new heights, increase my income and make some positive changes in my life. I knew I needed some help in this area and I hired a life coach (David Essel) -- which was one of the BEST decisions in my life this year-- and started what I thought would be a fairly easy journey....

I mean, I’m basically happy with my life, right? I am happy and IN LOVE with a great guy for the last 5 years... I ENJOY training clients and teaching classes and even though I’m not making the money I want, I love what I do for a living.... I am fit and healthy with a better body at over 40 than I had at 20..... I have a loving, supportive family that I enjoy spending time with... So making a few changes to boost my income and take my career to new heights and increase my spirituality, shouldn’t be that hard right?

But wow, was I in for a BIG surprise!!! :) Making changes, even small changes brings up SOOOOOO much resistance.... fears, anxieties, excuses... you name it!!! And yet, I know it is WORTH IT!! Everytime I overcome another fear and get past the resistance even for ONE day-- it is SO worth it!!!!!!!

It's like when you have an amazing workout and then the next day you can hardly walk from the soreness BUT you know that if you keep on working out, recovering, working out, recovering, pushing yourself, resting, consistently over time your body will become STRONGER, LEANER AND INCREDIBLY FIT..... I know by pushing myself MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY AND EMOTIONALLY, then resting, then pushing again, over time I AM BECOMING a stronger person on the inside.... I know from training clients and myself that excuses are just that ... EXCUSES.

We are all on this journey TOGETHER, all of us with our own set of CHALLENGES and OBSTACLES to overcome.. ASK someone to help you, ENCOURAGE you, MOTIVATE you, PUSH you and APPLAUD you.

In order to SUCCEED in life we have to decide what is it we really want in life and then make the next decision to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to make it happen, knowing that you will feel sore, tired and like giving up now and then.... doesn’t matter, decide to KEEP ON PUSHING toward whatever it is you want in your life... know that YOU ARE WORTH IT.. know that YOU CAN DO IT... WE CAN do it TOGETHER!!!


Sue Fit

Monday, July 12, 2010

What one exercise can help you increase your pleasure in the bedroom, your results in the gym, and your productivity at work?

Exercising total present moment focus… when you exercise total present moment focus it can be one of the most amazing ways to increase your pleasure in the bedroom. If you focus totally on the moment, focusing on the sensations of the moment, on your partner, feeling every touch, every kiss, every breadth, each movement, allowing yourself to be fully present, then making love will be more stimulating, more enjoyable and incredibly intimate.

When we take the exercise of total present moment focus into the gym and instead of just going through the motions of an exercise, if you become highly tuned in to your body, on every repetition, totally focused on the muscle that is working, focused on your breathing, your posture, the feeling of the muscle contracting and releasing, getting into what athletes call “the zone” or “putting your mind into your muscle”, you will see quicker results and also enjoy better progress. I see so many members who come to the gym regularly but never seem to get results and when you watch them do their workout they are just going through the motion, distracted, looking around, swinging weights with momentum instead of using their muscles and then they wonder why are they not seeing the results they would desire. Making this one small change to total present moment focus in their workout can make a huge change in the results they are getting.

At your job, taking the exercise of present moment focus can help you make every minute count. If you start your day with the most difficult or important task and give it your total focus, working steadily and continuously on it without letting your mind get distracted, you will be able to accomplish so much more and once your most difficult task is completed, the rest of your day will be so much easier.

So if you truly want more amazing sex, if you truly want to see changes in your body and if you truly want to be more productive on the job, then try the exercise of total present moment focus and see your whole life change for the better.

Wishing you love, joy, peace and prosperity.

Sue Fit